
Bike and Outdoor Gear Swap Organized to Help Fund Trail Building
For Immediate Release: March 27, 2022
Sioux Falls, South Dakota – Local mountain bike group Falls Area Singletrack (FAST), will host a Bike & Outdoor Gear Swap on Sunday, April 24th at Remedy Brewing Company.

Board Spotlight: Phil
Meet the FAST board city liaison Phil Melmer

Board Spotlight: Jim
Meet FAST board member Jim Massa.

Board Spotlight: RonPaul
Meet FAST board member RP.

Board Spotlight: Tuesday
Meet FAST Board Comminity Engagement Director Tuesday

Board Spotlight: Thad
Meet FAST Board Treasurer Thad

Board Spotlight: Cole
Meet FAST Board Secretary Cole

Board Spotlight: Clay
Meet FAST Board Vice-President Clay

Board Spotlight: Ben
Meet FAST Board President Ben

State Of The Dirt: Fall 2020
A lot has happened since our last communication. We may call ourselves FAST, though that's not always the literal case. We wanted to take this opportunity to emphasize our desire to be a force for good in Sioux Falls.

State Of The Dirt: Spring 2020
SPRING. IS. HERE. It’s exciting to report that dirt trails in town have dried out and the singletrack season has begun. As of right now, there aren’t any restrictions to walking/running/riding outside other than the CDC guidelines of maintaining the 6’ buffer between yourself and other trail users.

Here is a PDF Presentation from our 2019 membership meeting.

State Of The Dirt: Spring 2019
Thanks for your support of Falls Area SingleTrack!
We’re looking forward to continuing our mission to protect, create and enhance quality trail experiences for mountain bikers in cooperation with other trail users in the Sioux Falls area during the 2019 season!

2019 Bike And Gear Swap
Bike & Outdoor Gear Swap Organized to Help Fund Trail Building
SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA — Local mountain bike group Falls Area Singletrack (FAST) will host the 5th Biennial Sioux Falls Bike & Outdoor Gear Swap Sunday April 7th, 2019 at the Holiday Inn City Centre.

Falls Area SingleTrack (FAST) Breaks Ground on Tuthill Park Recreational Trails
Sioux Falls, S.D. (6/22/18) - Falls Area SingleTrack (FAST), a local not-for-profit recreational trail building and management organization, is to break ground on their newest multi-use trail system in Tuthill Park on June 25, 2018.